Sunday, 1 January 2017

Happy New Year! Looking back at 2016

Happy New Year my lovely blog readers!

Fireworks happy new year (wix template)
Source: Wix (from previous blog platform)

I can't believe it's 2017, where has the time gone?! The start of a new year and time to reflect on 2016. A year of many great moments for me. In July I finally made the decision to set up my own beauty blog. Something I had been contemplating for a very long time but never had the nerve to actually make it happen, afraid of what people might think. So glad I did though! Your support over the past 6 months has been amazing and I really thank you for that.

In August I married the love of my life. Such an amazing day and I am so grateful that all of our family and friends were able to be part of it. Definitely the highlight of my year. September brought a honeymoon to one of the most beautiful places on earth - Bali. The husband and I have always wanted to go there and I consider myself very lucky that we were able to make this dream come true. What a beautiful place to visit. The people are so friendly and hospitable and the island is full of wonderful things to see.

Honeymoon Hotel Bali - Poolview
My honeymoon in Bali
When it comes to beauty and Beauty on Review, I have learned what it means to plan blog posts, social media updates and that no matter what it is you have to say, there is always someone who is interested even if you don't think so. Most of all 2016 has taught me how important it is to be yourself and just write whatever is on your mind. 

So now 2017 has kicked off, I am really excited to see what this year has in store for Beauty on Review. I normally don't really believe in New Year's resolutions, mostly because I am really bad at sticking to them but one thing I would like to do is spend more time blogging and become better at posting items more regularly. I want to give you exciting content that you love to read and I would like to make you want to come back for more of course!

I hope that in 2017 Beauty on Review will continue to grow and that I will continue to learn. 

For now I would just like to say thank you. For taking the time to read this and previous posts but also to my fellow bloggers who have showed me their support and have offered me their help. It really means a lot to me.

Enough thank yous for now, time to get back to what this blog was set up for, writing about beauty, beauty and more beauty!

Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Share them in a comment below.

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